At the time of signup and thereafter you hereby agree to and therefore signify your acceptance and no-objection to ALL the terms and conditions of use of the website (hereinafter referred to as the ‘website’) which is wholly owned, operated and managed by The Grub Club (hereinafter referred to as ‘The Grub Club’) as given here under:

  1. Website Ownership and Content
    1. This Website is solely and exclusively owned and operated by The Grub Club (hereinafter referred to as “The Grub Club”). The Grub Club is the Original Owner and Author of the Website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) and of all the copyrights, trademarks, brand names, logos and other intellectual property rights incidental or consequential thereto.
    1. The materials and services provided for and depicted on are the sole properties of The Grub Club. and protected by copyright, trademark, patent and other intellectual property laws. All text, graphics, video, data or other content on the (“ Content”) is provided to you by for the sole purpose of using the Services. The Content may be modified from time to time by The Grub Club at its sole discretion.
    1. No material from the Website may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed in any way save and except that you may download one copy of the materials on any single computer for your personal non-commercial residential use only, provided that you keep intact all copyright and other intellectual property rights.
    1. Modification of the materials or use of the materials published on the website for any other purpose is not permissible and will be construed as a violation of The Grub Club’s copyright and other proprietary rights by you.
    1. The use of any such material on any other Website or networked computer environment is strictly prohibited and is liable for civil, criminal or other legal proceedings.
    1. Except as otherwise indicated on this Website and except for the logos, trademarks, service marks, brand names and trade names of other companies that are displayed on this Website, all trademarks, logos, brand name, copyright, service marks and trade name associated with “The Grub Club” are the sole and exclusive property of The Grub Club.
    1. You must not use the services provided by The Grub Club or the website for any illegal or unauthorized purpose. International users agree to comply with all local laws regarding online conduct and acceptable content.
    1. You must not use the services provided by The Grub Club or the website to abuse, harass, threaten, impersonate, intimidate or otherwise violate the legal rights of others. The Website, the copyrights, trade mark, logo, trade name, brand name and other intellectual property rights now existing or that may arise/accrue in future to from the website and the Contents thereof are the sole and exclusive ownership and property of The Grub Club and are protected by applicable copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws of India.
    1. Except as expressly authorized herein, you shall not modify, license, assign, sell, distribute, reproduce, transmit, display, publish, broadcast, circulate, disseminate, commercially exploit or create derivative works based on the Website, the Service or the Content in any manner (including electronic, print or other media now known or hereafter developed) without our written consent.
    1. Use of the Website or the Content in violation of these Terms and conditions of use, or any applicable law, rule or regulation, or the rights of any third party is strictly prohibited and any act to the contrary shall be entirely at your own risk, costs and consequences thereof.
    1. You agree, declare and confirm not to use the Website or the Content for any unlawful or immoral purposes and further to comply with any and all requests from The Grub Club to protect our respective rights in the Website and the Content.
    1. We expressly prohibit the use of devices (including software) designed to provide repeated automated access to the Website and the Content for any commercial purpose except for those expressly authorized by us.
    1. We reserve the right to take any and all measures necessary to prevent such access, including denial or termination of your access to the Website. In the event that you download any software from the Website, the software, including any files, images incorporated in or generated by the software, and data accompanying the software (collectively, the “Software”) shall always be the ownership and property of The Grub Club and The Grub Club retains full and complete title to the Software, and all intellectual property rights therein.
    1. In the event you become aware of any infringement of any intellectual property rights of The Grub Club or any action against or proceeding against The Grub Club, you shall forthwith in good faith inform The Grub Club of the same.